Seattle Public Schools

LGBTQ+ Support Resources

Opt Out Requests for LGBTQ-Inclusive Instruction

About Opt Out Requests

Seattle Public Schools works to provide a wide range of educational opportunities that reflect who students are, help them build empathy for others, and prepare them to be compassionate citizens of a diverse and changing world.

There is no option to “opt students out” of learning about particular identities or groups of people. This guidance is reinforced by OSPI (state superintendent’s office), the policies of other major urban districts (including the states of California and New York), and the outcomes of federal cases around the country. We celebrate all students in SPS.

Samoan flag
Ethiopian flag
Suquamish Tribe flag
Muckleshoot Tribe flag
Cambodian flag
LGBTQ+ Pride flag
Eritrean flag
Vietnamese flag
The Philippines flag
Somali flag
Pan African flag
Chinese flag
Mexican flag
American flag
Washington State flag
Seattle Public Schools logo

Learning about identities or groups of people is different from sexual health education. Families do have the right to opt out of Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) under state law. Instruction about LGBTQ identities provided for purposes such as bullying prevention, or safe and welcoming environments, is not part of CSHE and thus not subject to an opt-out provision.

Sexual Health Education vs.
LGBTQ-Inclusive Instruction

Parents are their children’s most important teachers. We encourage students to talk with their families about cultural values and topics like growth and development, gender, and relationships.

Sexual Health Education (Can Opt Out)

  • WA state law requires sexual health education.
  • In Seattle Public Schools this instruction starts in grade 4.
  • These lessons are age-appropriate and on topics like:
    • 4th-5th Puberty and HIV/AIDS
    • 6th-8th Healthy relationships, reproduction, contraception, and disease prevention
    • 9th -12th Dating and relationships, pregnancy and disease prevention, online safety
  • 30-day notice is required, and lessons are viewable by families.

Information about Sexual Health Education in SPS